SunTegra Testimonials

SunTegra Stories

Find out what customers have to say about their SunTegra systems

“We are thrilled with the quality, the beauty, and the effect our SunTegra system is having on us and our community...”
Morristown, NJ, SunTegra Shingle
“Large arrays can sometimes look out of  scale on homes. That’s never an issue  with SunTegra from IST…”
Northern CA, SunTegra Shingle
“I have been wanting to go solar, but did not like the look of traditional solar systems that I see around my neighborhood…”
Glendale, CA, SunTegra Tile
"We are thrilled with the quality, the beauty, and the effect our SunTegra system is having on us and our community....."
Jessica Doe, Customer